Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Q7-Looking back at your preliminary task, what
do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?
I know that I have come a long way from my preliminary task because I see the difference from then and now. With my first project I didn’t do much research and I didn’t know how to you Photoshop properly. I now know that research is important, I wanted my final magazine to look real so I had to do a lot of research into magazines and what they use. Looking at my preliminary task I feel embarrassed as to how rubbish was and impressed to how far I have come, I think that is an important part in an evaluation and looking back on the old task. It would be pointless if I produced such poor work for my final, it would me than I have not learn nothing new and I haven’t progressed throughout the last couple of months. I didn’t pay much attention to fonts and colours when producing my prelim task. The font I used does not look real and the colours I used do not blend together. I didn’t pay attention to the text on the front cover. There was not enough text. This was also a problem on the contents page, I didn’t have enough pages on it and the set out was really poor. This also was due to the lack of research on other magazines.


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